From the South August 2023
My Brothers,
As August slips past us and the summer begins to turn to fall and the temperature dips slightly each night, can only mean one thing….
It’s time for the Lodge to come together for the upcoming season. As the Jr. Warden of Potunk Lodge, it’s my duty to call the Craft from Labor to refreshment. We have several talented cooks in the Lodge and things being what they are I would ask anyone who would like to prepare a meal for the Lodge to please contact me (see my contact info below).
I can cook OK, and our WM can cook even better, but we should all share the “joy” of preparing the collation meal. I would also just make it plain now that I would hope that ALL would pitch in and help clean up after our meal. We need to leave the collation room as clean and neat as possible after each meeting.
I am sure the WM has an exciting trestle board prepared for the year and I look forward to seeing my Brothers once again at the Lodge, which has been newly renovated. The collation room is bright and clean. New pain, new floors. So yes, that means no smoking in the lodge, up or downstairs. We must be mindful that we are now only tenants in the building and use all care to maintain the owner’s property as if it were our own.
Some other new (and very welcome) additions: The Lodge is now fully into the 21st century. Yes, we have Wi-Fi throughout the Lodge. If you would like to connect to the Lodge Wi-Fi, you can get the network (SSID) and Password from the Lodge secretary if you didn’t catch it on the Potunk Lodge BAND. Remember that the Lodge Wi-Fi is for members only. There is a Potunk Lodge Guest Network that is for guests and Hall renters, etc. There will be signs with QR codes in the Collation Hall for them to connect to this guest network.
There is also a new Lodge phone number: 631-898-5241. There is no receiver in the Lodge but it’s specifically for the Lodge Secretary to conduct business with potential renters and alike.
I do hope all are looking forward to the upcoming season as I am. Our first Stated Communication is Thursday, September 7th, 2023. The bar will be open and the meal tasty and hot. So come out the first and third Thursdays and support the WM and the Lodge.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bill Arnold
Jr. Warden
Potunk Lodge #1071
Cell: 631-903-1510
- Posted by William Arnold
- On August 24, 2023
- 0 Comment