From the East
Greetings My Brothers,
I hope you all are well. Please join us for the celebration of our 2000th communication on Thursday. The meeting will focus on the proposed budget for 2023-2024 and the first reading of a proposed by-law change that would reduce dues for members of Potunk. Your attendance is required if within the length of your cable tow.
Dress for the evening will be suit and tie. Dominick will be preparing pork tenderloin vegetable and bread for coalition. Look forward to seeing you all there. Please remember to pay your dues!!!
Additionally, I am thinking about a practice for the DD on February 23 at 630. I am going to need a Sr Deacon and probably one MC. I further wanted to schedule a practice for our second degree on March 7 and a second on March 13th (if necessary). Our DD visit is March 2nd and the degree is on March 16th…please let me know if you are able to attend either or both events so I can make sure we have all chairs filled.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
W:. Jeffrey Lanzet
- Posted by William Arnold
- On February 14, 2023
- 0 Comment