Christmas Elves have been hard at work at the Lodge 12-2020
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brothers to dwell together in unity! – Psalms 133
Its always pleasing when there are small improvements with the lodge. Last month RW Geiger arranged for the Lodge to get all new lighting throughout the building. Switching all fixtures to LED has done wonders as they are brighter. The side effect of this is of course we can see more. This lead to a discussion on the kitchen. Bro. Dominick took to a 2 + day deep clean of the downstairs kitchen. Bro. Georgios dropped off a ton of new tiles to cover a particular sore spot in the kitchen. Bro. Dominick took some time and tiled the area in question and now it looks great. There is even a fresh coat of high heat paint on the cooktop.
This afternoon RW Jimmy and W Kevin finished this off with some new linoleum on the floor under the table.
All looks great and I wish to thank and acknowledge all those that take time out of their busy schedules to get these things done at the lodge. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to once again gather and enjoy the Lodge that so many have worked to improve for the enjoyment of all members.
- Posted by William Arnold
- On December 5, 2020
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