End of year 2020 can’t come fast enough
As many of you may or may not know as of 11/29/2020 the Grand Master, citing the order by our governor, has kept he restrictions in place from his prior order. This of course means that we cannot have more then 10 at a meeting, or collation and we must end the meeting by 9:30 PM and building closed, lights out by 10 PM.
For many of us I have heard your comments and although I 100% agree with them, the directives of the GM must be honored and kept. That being said what his newest directive details (you can find that on the District and Lodge BAND as well as the Lodge and District Facebook groups) is the ability to hold stated and summoned communications virtually, with some limitations. I’ll also post the GM’s directive in the archive on this site for any to view, but you’ll need to register and logon to access that area.
So for December and quite possibly into January 2021 we’ll be holding the Stated/Summoned Communications on a zoom meeting. I have upgraded the Lodge’s Zoom to a paid account so we do not have a time limit, nor a number of attendees limit. We can also add dial in numbers for folks that are not in front of a computer or do not prefer to use Zoom. NOTE: ZOOM security has been greatly improved and since the meeting is technically tiled, there will be a waiting room for all attendees to be vouched prior to the start of the meeting on Dec 3rd. So if your still leery of Zoom feel free to dial in on a cell or landline with the numbers provided in the email. All this info is on the Lodge BAND Page. If you are not a member of BAND yet, please see the link and/QR code at the bottom of this post to get on the Potunk Lodge BAND. If you didn’t know BAND is a mobile app for iPhone/Android and can also be reached via PC/website for groups and it’s completely private and has lots of features and bells and whistles.
If you join the BAND please make sure you add your cell number if you should be getting SMS notifications of breaking events of the Lodge. Such as a Lodge meeting canceled due to weather or in this case COVID.
If you are already a member of BAND then you can find us here -> https://band.us/@potunklodge1071
If you are not a BAND member then on your mobile click this link -> https://band.us/n/a7a347mf7dg4s
You can also use the QR code (use your phone to scan this code and it will take you to BAND registration and app download if you don’t have it already).
If you would like to login to this website to gain access to the archives, then you will need to click the login menu and the registration. You will need to verify your email and then once done you’ll be approved.
- Posted by William Arnold
- On November 30, 2020
- 0 Comment